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When It Comes to Being on Camera, Don't Be "That Person"


我们都看过或参与过 无数的视频电话和网络研讨会, and although few of us have had on-air training, 看起来和听起来都没那么难 至少有一半体面. In every group of presenters, though, there's always "that person," who manages to blissfully ignore common conventions and look and/or sound awful. 

问题是你的观众 看了足够多的体育节目才知道 on-camera talent is supposed to look and sound 就像. So even if they don't know what rule-of-thirds positioning is, 他们知道什么是错误的, 哪一点有损于你的信息. 

From a video perspective, that person often positions his laptop's webcam at waist level, giving us an awesome view of his nostrils. At that angle, it's a fair bet there's a fluorescent light on the ceiling that backlights the shot, 变暗 his face into witness protection territory. 或者那个人可能正和他的 eyes in the middle of the screen, which always 让我想喊:“坐起来。! 坐起来!“我的。 电脑屏幕. Or that person might be using the synthetic backgrounds available with some services that produce a crumbling and distracting edge around his head and neck. 

Fortunately, producing adequate quality video 非常简单. 首先,把你的摄像头放在眼睛的高度. 如果这意味着把它放在手边 Amazon box from 你的 latest online delivery, 这很好. Second, rule-of-thirds positioning dictates that 你的 eyes should be about 从上面往下三分之一 框架,而不是中间. Think about this the next time you watch a newscaster on TV, and you'll see what I'm talking about (and it will forever change how you position 你的self in a webcam).

Third, compositing technologies work great for weather forecasters because they have great lighting, a solid color background, and a high-performance video mixer. 除非你拥有所有 that, subbing in a synthetic background will almost certainly be more distracting than whatever is actually behind you. 在选择 你的 background, avoid excessive detail, bright lights, and motion, and you should be fine.

如果是主要的来源 lighting is from the ceiling, the bottom of 你的 face is often too dark. Fix this by pointing a desk lamp at 你的 face or using a $12 clamp light from Lowe's. 

在为在线演讲着装时, avoid excessive detail 就像 pinstripes, checks, or 格子, as well as very bright or very dark shirts, which present technical challenges for cameras and compression technologies. 认为固体 blues, grays, and browns, selecting a color that contrasts well with 你的 background. 

When it comes to audio, that person always wants to use the microphone and speakers on his MacBook Pro (and it's always a MacBook Pro), even though he sounds 就像 he's broadcasting from inside of a barrel. 有时候,他 seeks extra "that person" points by transmitting from a noisy environment 就像 a busy office 或者咖啡店. 

Remember that audio is almost always more important than video because unless you're de­monstrating the tree pose to a yoga class, 你的 关键信息通过语音传递. 这是 why many online broadcasters use a huge microphone with a pop screen. While it looks obtrusive, it allows them to produce pristine audio. 

I'm not suggesting you go that route, but at 非常 至少,使用蓝牙耳机(虽然 它们通常听起来刺耳而机械). 在 past, I used a USB headset, but have transitioned to a $60 Behringer USB Audio Interface and an $80 Shure lavaliere condenser microphone (SM93). 当我自己在网络研讨会上发言时, I don't need a headset; if I'm conferencing with others, I use earbuds rather than my notebook speakers to avoid echo or feedback. 

Finally, broadcast from the quietest environment possible. 使用一个安静的会议室, 将手机静音, 关掉所有不必要的设备, shut off noisy heating and AC (if possible), and put a note on 你的 door to prevent unwanted intruders. 

No one wants to be "that person" when presenting online. With a little bit of thought and planning and less than $200 in gear, 你不必这样.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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